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Raise Workflow Created Signal

This is configurable on both the Command Bar menu types.


A Signal Start Event can be triggered manually via a menu button, to activate any Workflows with Signal Start Events that are listening for when an item is created on a specific table.

This is because it is sometimes desirable to trigger a "created" Signal Start Event on an item that has been created previously.


When a new invoice item is created, a workflow is triggered that automatically sends the invoice to the customer. However, what is a customer requests the invoice be sent again? This requires the workflow to be triggered on the invoice item again, as though the item had just been created.

When a Raise Workflow Created Signal menu button triggers a Workflow, a confirmation box will appear in the bottom-right corner of the site.

A screenshot of the confirmation box that appears when a workflow is successfully started. The confirmation box is green with white text and a white x in the corner to dismiss the box. The white text in this example reads: "Workflow signal raised successfully".

Configuring a Menu Button to Launch a Workflow

  1. Navigate to the menu configuration screen of either an Item or the Sidebar.

  2. Create a new menu item by pressing the + New Menu Item button

A screenshot demonstrating the appearance and location of the New Menu Item button when editing a menu item. In this example this is editing a Command Strip menu item. At the top of the screenshot is the list of menu tabs for Designer when editing an item. Underneath, to the right of the "Save" button is the "New Menu Item". It has an icon of a + symbol and a downwards chevron indicating that it will open a dropdown menu. The screenshot is annotated with a red box to highlight the button's location.

  1. Select + New Blank Item

A screenshot that demonstrates the appearance and location of the "New Blank Item" menu option that appears in the dropdown menu from the "New Menu Item" button. The screenshot is annotated with a red box to highlight the menu option's location.

  1. Provide the menu button with its Display Text that will appear to the user on the button

  2. Optional: Provide a Description of what the menu button will accomplish

  3. Optional: Select an Icon to describe the workflow action

A screenshot of the "Options" section of editing a menu button. The following fields are visible, with the descriptive text inside each field: "Display Text": "The visible text on menu items or buttons"; "Description": "Description shown in tooltip when menu item hovered"; and a large icon selection, where the user can choose an icon for the menu button.

  1. Scroll down, and set the On-Click Action to Raise Workflow Created Signal

  2. Optional: If configuring a Command Strip menu button, set the location of the item (Both | Item | Table)

  3. Optional: Conditional logic can also be applied using OData filter syntax to only trigger a workflow when certain conditions are met. For example, to only trigger a workflow when the Status field is set to "Completed" would require the following filter: `status eq "Completed"

A screenshot of the "On-Click Action" choice field. In this example, it contains the value "Raise Workflow Created Signal".

  1. Scroll down to the Raise Workflow Created Signal section

  2. Set whether the menu button will trigger a save interaction

A screenshot of the "Raise Workflow Created Signal" section. The section contains an info box with "Executes a process diagram." Underneath the info box are the following choice fields and descriptive text: "Save Intention": "Save on Action". Beneath these fields are the following check field: "Require Items".

  1. Save the menu

Now, when the menu button is pressed, it will trigger any Workflow Processes that are listening for a created item on the configured.